Why are schools switching to Literably? Follow
1. Eliminate Time Spent Administering Assessments
Using conventional reading assessments, a school of 500 students will spend one year of teacher time (~$100k value) administering just three rounds of assessment.
"When I first got to my school as a principal...reading instruction didn't start for over a month and instruction would come to a standstill several times a year so that teachers could complete Running Records. Assessment is no longer an event. We have saved an amazing amount of instructional time."
2. Build Diagnostic Teachers
Teachers spend their time diagnosing, planning and teaching instead of just administering assessments.
"I feel like we are building diagnostic teachers through this process. We’re now spending teachers’ time looking at the data and being diagnostic rather than taking the time to administer the assessment."
"Teachers no longer just say that a student is below grade level as a reader; they are able to tell us where the breakdown in the reading acquisition process is happening and then target tier one and two interventions to meet specific needs."
3. Consistent, Transparent Results
All of our graders are normed to a common standard, so you can be sure that Level L is the same across all of your classrooms. Once an assessment is scored, classroom teachers, specialists and administrators can all access the same data.
"It is amazing. I was skeptical at first but cannot believe the accuracy I have seen."
"It gives us a common language, because everyone can log on and see the data."