Adding Students to my Admin Dashboard from Another Teacher's Dashboard Follow
If you are a school or district administrator and you would like to monitor specific students in your class dashboard:
Log in to Literably
Go to your Admin Dashboard tab
Select the School Click on the name of the school you're interested in.
Select the Teacher Find and click on the name of the teacher (or admin) you're interested in.
Select the Student(s) Click the checkbox(es) to the left of the student name(s).
Click "Add to Your Students" Once you click a checkbox, an "Add to Your Watched Students" button will appear in the top-right corner of the screen. Click this button and a copy of that student record will appear under My Classes on your dashboard. Don't worry, clicking "Add to Your Watched Students" will not remove that student from the teacher's account. Both you and the classroom teacher will be able to access the student's record. You will also receive a notification email when that student's assesses.