What Phonics Data Does Literably Provide? Follow
Teacher Dashboard
After your student takes a Phonics assessment, it will be graded within 24 hours, and the results will be displayed on your teacher dashboard under the "Phonics" assessment pane:
Under the "Last Assessment" section of the dashboard, you will find the title of the assessment, the date it was completed, and the student's score.
Student Detail Page
To view all of your student's historical Phonics results, navigate to the Student Detail page and click on the Phonics pane:
On this page, you will find a list of all Phonics assessments your student has taken. The skill report lists the phonics skills presented across the phonics assessments. Clicking on the down arrows on the right side of the screen unfolds each main skill to list subskills, and you can see how your student has performed on each skill over time:
Students' scores are color-coded according to this key:
Graded Assessment
If you click on the link to a Phonics assessment, you can view a detailed report of your student's performance on the assessment:
Results Summary Box:
1.) Skill type:the type of skill the student was assessed on (e.g., phonological awareness, phonics)
2.) Score:the assessment’s color-coded scaled score, which takes into account the difficulty of the prompts a student was given. The scaled score formula is calibrated using Literably’s internal data, and the color-code labels are defined below:
above grade-level expectations |
meeting grade-level expectations |
approaching grade-level expectations |
below grade-level expectations |
3.) Status: the grading status of the assessment (ie., graded, paused, grade pending)
- Graded: The assessment has been scored.
- Paused: The assessment has been paused from the pause icon during the assessment.
- Grade Pending: The assessment is currently being scored or is unable to be scored. A recording will have a default status as "Grade Pending" if it does not have a "Graded" status.
- Generating Recommendations: Literably is using the assessment's data to design your student's next foundational skills assessment.
Skill Performance Section:
1.) Skill column: the skill category the student engaged with on the assessment. Click the skill to see the sub-skill questions that were asked.
- In the above screen shot, this student was asked questions on affixes and specifically the "Re-" and "Pre" sub-skills, etc.
2.) Raw score: the number of questions in the skill category that the student answered correctly compared to the number of questions they were asked in that skill category.
- In the above screenshot, this student was asked 5 phonics questions on inflectional endings and answered 0 of them correctly.
3.) Scaled score: the student's color-coded scaled score on the skill category. More details on this type of scaled score are found above.
Item Performance Section:
1.) Prompt: the oral prompt that was delivered to the student by Rudy the Dog during the assessment
2.) Transcription: a transcription of how the student tried to answer the prompt compared to the correct answer. The different notations underneath the "Response" column are below.
- The correct answer is typed in black text
- The red notations indicate what the student answered if they did NOT get the answer correct. In the above screenshot:
- The student answered the first prompt correctly by saying “reun”
- The student answered the fourth prompt incorrectly because they said “made” instead of “premade”
3.) Audio: the audio recording of how the student tried to answer the prompt
4.) Score: a record of whether the student got the prompt correct
- 1/1 = a correct answer was given
- 0/1 = an incorrect answer was given
5.) Skill: the specific skill that the prompt is associated with for phonics