What RAN Data Does Literably Provide? Follow
Teacher Dashboard
After your student takes a RAN assessment, it will be graded within 24 hours, and the results will be displayed on your teacher dashboard under the "Rapid Automatized Naming" assessment pane:
Under the "Last Assessment" section of the dashboard, you will find the title of the assessment, the date it was completed, and the student's score.
Student Detail Page
To view all of your student's historical RAN results, navigate to the Student Detail page and click on the "RAN" pane:
On this page, you will find a list of RAN assessments your student has taken. The Skill Report lists the four tasks included in the RAN assessment and how your student scored in accuracy and duration on different assessments.
Students' duration scores are color-coded according to this key:
Blue = Very Low Risk
Green = Low Risk
Yellow = Some Risk
Red = At Risk
Please note that the cut-off points for the above classifications are currently based on preliminary data and will be updated as more data becomes available.
Graded Assessment
Clicking on the link to a RAN assessment will open the graded assessment page which will provide more details about the graded assessment:
Under "Item Performance," you have the option to listen your students' input during the RAN task and view annotations containing their errors. A low accuracy rate on a RAN task (e.g., below 45/50) may indicate low familiarity with the items in the task. For example, if a kindergarten student receives a low accuracy score on RAN Letters, this may indicate low familiarity with letter recognition. In these cases, more weight should be placed on the other RAN tasks when interpreting the results.