What Reading Comprehension Data Does Literably Provide? Follow
Teacher Dashboard
After your student takes a Reading Comprehension assessment, it will be graded immediately, and the results will be displayed on your teacher dashboard under the "Comprehension" assessment pane. Under the "Last Assessment" section of the dashboard, you will find the title of the assessment, the date it was completed, and the student's score.
Student Detail Page
To view all of your student's historical Reading Comprehension results, navigate to the Student Detail page and click on the Comprehension pane:
Graded Assessment
If you click on the link to a Reading Comprehension assessment, you can view a detailed report of your student's performance on the assessment.
The Skill Performance section displays how students performed by CCSS ELA Reading Standards. Each comprehension question was written to align with a grade-specific ELA Reading standard for literary or informational texts, but for ease of reporting, Literably reports performance on the 8 CCSS College and Career Ready Anchor Standards for Reading. Because Reading Comprehension passages do not contain pictures or graphics, there are no questions that align to Anchor Standard 7 (media).
The Skill Performance section also disaggregates information along genre (fiction vs. non-fiction) and contextual depth (literal vs. inferential questions).
The Item Performance section of the graded assessment shows the full text and questions, including the standard associated with each question and its conceptual depth. Green indicates the correct answer, and red indicates the student's response if incorrect.