Giving Students a Demonstration of the Spanish Assessment Follow
Overview: Some teachers may want to introduce the Spanish assessment by giving students a live demonstration of the program. This can be especially useful at the beginning of the school year or when first launching Literably. Logging in as a demo student is also an excellent way to try out the Spanish assessment for yourself so that you can support students if needed.
1. Log in to your teacher account via Clever/ClassLink or at with your email and password.
2. Toggle to Spanish on your dashboard:
3. Assign a Spanish text to your demo student using the pencil icon, then press "Try as Demo":
4. Once you log in, you can walk students through each section of the assessment from the demo account, without needing to worry about interfering with any real students' assessment histories. If you take the full assessment as a demo student, Literably will attempt to grade the recording and display the demo assessment results on your dashboard.